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Sunday, October 15, 2017


What does it mean to be a hero?  This word takes on a variety of meanings, conjuring up different images to different people.  In the past stock images of firefighters, veterans, police officers, courageous civilians like you and me piled up in my mind when I heard the word hero, never able to think of a specific person in my life who possessed all of the qualities I deemed heroic.  To me being a hero meant to do something extraordinary.  To not only act selflessly, but to live selflessly.  To care about something greater than yourself and then to actually do something about it.

Adam is going to hate me when I say this, but today when I hear the word hero he is the first person who flashes through my mind.  Today was a tough day for me.  As we talked on the phone and I let Adam know how much I worried about his deployment and the uncertainty of it all he asked if he had ever told me the real reason why he wanted to join the military.  I told him no and he began to explain how it all started 16 years ago on September 11, 2001 when he was in 5th grade.  At the age of 10 years old that horrific day and the years of war that followed had a tremendous impact on him and the man he would become.  So much so that today he has willingly put himself in harms way, without question, to try and help innocent people who have not had the opportunity to live as privileged a life as Adam and I have.

By the end of our conversation I had tears streaming down my face.  Finding the right words in response was impossible.  To say that I am proud of the man Adam is and the sacrifice he has given and will continue to give throughout his military career is a gross understatement.  It would be a complete lie for me to say that I will not worry while he is gone (I am a compulsive worrier), but I can't help but think about how fortunate I am to be able to share my life with my hero.  They don't make many like you, Adam, which makes me feel even luckier that you have chosen me to come along on this adventure.  I love you.


  1. Great blog, Liz. Adam is a hero! I can't imagine the sacrifice of signing up to serve our country, knowing you are required to serve for an extended period of time without knowing where you could be sent or exactly what you might be called on to do. And you are a heroine in a way as you have signed up a long with him to support and encourage him and to wait for him through these long months. Has he left Ft. Bliss yet? We are continuing to pray for you guys and we love you!

  2. Sorry for the delay! Thanks, Aunt Judy. I've heard the first and last couple months are the hardest. I am trying my best to get into a good routine as I've heard that helps. They are overseas now. Thank you for your support. We love you, too!
